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[Ngo Climate Change] Scholarship Program‏
Updated at: 1/27/2016 11:50:11 AM

Global alliance of universities urges government action on climate change

An open letter, calls for ministers to support academic research on sustainability, during week of United Nations climate change conference in Paris.

A global network of university and student sustainability associations has urged governments to acknowledge and support academic research aimed at addressing climate change.

An open letter from members of Global Alliance, which represents higher and further education sustainability networks and has a combined membership of more than 10,000 universities and student organisations worldwide, calls for ministers to recognise the role that universities play in finding and implementing solutions on climate change mitigation and adaptation, and provide support for institutions to embed sustainable development education into teaching, operations and quality standards.

The letter asks for governments to “invest significant financial support” and use university campuses as a “leverage agent” to accelerate the transition to clean energy sources.

It also urges ministers to respect, acknowledge and support the academic freedom of universities in leading research on climate change and argues that policy frameworks should be developed and implemented to embed accountability and responsibility for climate change mitigation in higher education institutions.

The Global Fight against Climate Change

The global fight against Climate Change cannot be apportioned by drawing lines on a map. Every country will be affected. And every country, rich or poor, is going to need to build a robust &lsquoClimate Industries Sector within their economy, to address their greater community&rsquos individual Mitigation & Adaptation challenges.

The WCCC is implementing three Programs which will assist Developing Countries (DC&rsquos) & Small Island States (SIS&rsquos) build strong home grown Climate Industries Sectors in their economies, by 2020

The WCCC Scholarship Program (WCCCSP)

The WCCCSP is critical for the development of climate industries within all DC&rsquos & SIS&rsquos. Any country contemplating building any new industry sector within their economy must understand it is critically important they first put into place strategies which will see the creation of a large pool of skilled workers for new industry players to draw upon. The WCCCSP will furnish DC&rsquos & SIS&rsquos, the initial 8,000 highly skilled Climate Professionals by 2020 for their Climate Industries Sector.
The WCCC will work closely with our 100 &lsquoParticipating Universities&rsquo to deliver another 12,000 Skilled Climate Workers outside of the WCCCSP for the climate industries of DC&rsquos & SIS&rsquos


Partnerships for the Planet

The &lsquoPartnerships for the Planet&rsquo, initiative will bring together Nations & Banking Institutions which have the resources, with those requiring them. Corporations which possess leading edge climate technologies, together with those still searching for them. And Institutions of Higher Learning, with young people desiring to gain the knowledge needed to join the fight in their country&rsquos climate industries sector.
No one Nation, Government, Corporation or Person, irrespective of how rich or strong, can hope to turn the tides of climate change, single-handedly. Only by exploring & implementing new ways of working together at all levels, can humanity hope to overcome the enormous generational challenges climate change poses.

The WCCC Climate Industry Development Blueprint (CIDB) for Developing Countries

There are more than 100 DC&rsquos & SIS&rsquos which need to begin putting into place Strategies & Initiatives today if they are to have the beginnings of a resilient well-funded & staffed &lsquoHome Grown&rsquo Climate Industries Sector, capable of addressing the enormous & diverse challenges of climate change adaption & mitigation by 2020.

The WCCC is developing the CIDB which is to be both a &lsquoRoad Map&rsquo & &lsquoTimeline&rsquo of strategies & initiatives DC&rsquos & SIS&rsquos will need to put into place, if they are to have a strong, resilient, home grown Climate Industries Sector in place by 2020

The WCCC is developing the CIDB which is to be both a &lsquoRoad Map&rsquo & &lsquoTimeline&rsquo of strategies & initiatives DC&rsquos & SIS&rsquos will need to put into place, if they are to have a strong, resilient, home grown Climate Industries Sector in place by 2020

Participating Universities Recognized as World Leaders in Climate Education

Climate Change mitigation & adaptation is a US$1.5 trillion/ year (US$4 Billion/day) industry, worldwide.

And growing fast!



“The $1.5 trillion global &lsquoclimate change industry&rsquo grew at between 17 and 24 percent annually from 2005-2008, slowing to between 4 and 6 percent following the recession with the exception of 2011&rsquos inexplicable 15 percent growth. (source - Climate Change Business Journal)


Young people are becoming aware that a climate change related field of study, now offers a great career path.


There are over 16,000 Universities & Colleges worldwide. The 100 participating Universities & Colleges of the proposed UNGCFSP will quickly become recognized, above all others, as &lsquoTHE&rsquo Universities & Colleges to study climate change related courses.


The World Climate Change Challenge has a fast growing voice in both Developed & Developing Countries with regards the development of Climate Industries with their economies.


Government & Industry Leaders who are increasingly visiting our web site are already of the opinion that the participating Universities & Colleges in the proposed  UNGCF Scholarship Program, whose logos are on every page, are most definitely the &lsquoLeading Climate Change Education Destinations &lsquo.


In September with the formalization of the &lsquoReturn Home Ready&rsquo program with the first few European Governments, and the launch of the 2016 &lsquoPartnerships for the Planet&rsquo Conference & Exhibition, which will feature World Leaders & high profile supporters of climate action, participating Universities & Colleges will once again be in the world&rsquos spot light for their dedication & commitment to helping the young people from Developing Nations & Small Island States prepare to take on the enormous challenges climate change is sure to deliver to their nations in the coming decades.

The World Climate Change Challenge has initiated a global Scholarship program which aims to give out more than 1,000 scholarships per year to young people from Developing Countries & Small Island States to undertake climate change related under & post graduate studies at one of our 100 world class Universities & Colleges within Developed Countries. Up to 150 scholarships will allocated to Vietnam. If you would like to know more or register your interest in obtaining a scholarship now, or in the future please visit web site and Face book Group

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