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Plan for establishing the Vietnam Environmental Communication Network
Updated at: 12/16/2011 1:55:05 AM
​VEA - In the morning of November 23, in Hanoi, Vietnam Environment Administration (VEA) held a workshop on "Feedback on Regulations of organization and operation of the Vietnam Environmental Communication Network”. VEA Deputy General Director Dr. Hoang Duong Tung attended and chaired the workshop.

Mr. Le Van Hop, Director of the Department Emulation &ndash Commendation of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE), representatives of VEA units, related agencies, s, NGO, media agencies, etc of the central and local levels attended the workshop.

Speaking at the workshop, Dr. Hoang Duong Tung said that environment communication is an important task which MoNRE, VEA are performing with the main goal is to positively change the environmental awareness of the community.

In addition, information technology is developing quickly. Dr. Hoang Duong Tung desired the Vietnam Environmental Communication Network would environmental information promptly.

According to Mr. Nguyen Nguyen Cuong, Director of the Centre for Education and Communication of Environment, the plan should identify the subjects of the network, the responsibilities and powers of the network members particularly the distinction between operation fields with the aim of the Network.

At the workshop, participants discussed to perfect regulations on organization and operation of the network close to the actual situation, thus contributing to rapid the operation of the network to promote the dissemination of environmental protection.

Deputy General Director Dr. Hoang Duong Tung wished that each participant would be an active member of the network contributing to the success of the Vietnam Environmental Communication Network.

Linh Huong, translated by Khanh Phuong
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