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Special Announcement! MK33 is now accepting applications for fellows!
Cập nhật lúc : 4/13/2015 10:49:27 AM

Lead by: Vietnam Academy for Water Resources (VAWR), MARD Vietnam
Project Leader: Nguyen Tung Phong -
Project coordinatorMayvong Sayatham -

Special Announcement! MK33 is now accepting applications for fellows!

Call for fellowship program (Deadline: 5:00 pm May 2, 2015)

I. MK33 - Project Introduction

MK33 project belongs to Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE) - is a research-for-development (R4D) of CGIAR (which is Research Program on poverty reduction in rural areas, food security, human health promotion and nutrition, ensuring the sustainable management of natural resources). MK33 project is expected to contribute to addressing the important challenges in the field of water resources of the Red River Basin.

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The Red River of Vietnam Livelihoods of the residents of the Red RiverSource:
Massive changes in land and water resources are expected in the next two decades in the Red River Basin, the second most important river basin of Vietnam. This has the potential to contribute greatly to development, but also to environmental degradation and further marginalization of particular groups and their livelihoods. This calls for national, regional and international support for evidence-based knowledge to guide this rapid development.

Compared to the Mekong River, comparatively limited research on the Red River Basin has been undertaken. To strengthen governance and increase the likelihood of sustainable and fair decision-making, there is an urgent need to build knowledge and research capacity within the basin and to support the individuals, academic institutes and research networks capable of informing the rapid changes underway in the basin. This opens a great opportunity for the international communities to support newly structured autonomous universities with more up-to-date curricula that consider the emerging needs in the country and regional economic integration in Greater Mekong.

MK33 Project is a support program for researching, cooperation and strengthening capacity aim to improving the quality of training regarding to water governance. This project is also a bridge-link among research results of the Red River Basin and these others from sub-basins belong to Mekong River system.

II. Objectives

Strengthening and developing management capacity in water governance of the Red River Basin related to the rapid changes underway of water, land and ecosystems in the basin due to impact of natural and human activities.

III. MK33 - Project activities
  • Supporting and strengthening capacity for 12 fellows, who are ed follow standard for Phase 1 (2015 ÷ 2016) and eight (08) outstanding research fellows for Phase 2 (2017) via producing a conference paper, building blogs/Web, publishing books (chapter) and journals, participate in national and international workshops
  • Building a community research collaborative, training of the Red River Basin, links and exchange of results with other basins belong to Mekong River system.

IV.Research themes

Research topics related to water governance in the field of water resources management of the Red River Basin: operation and management reservoirs in up-stream and benefit areas of down-stream, monitoring and water quality management, livelihood, environment and landscape of river basin, etc. the results of these research topic must be feasible, applied to reality or changed governance/ policy of water resources management of Vietnam.

V. Opportunities for research fellows
  • Strengthening capacity and participate in research network belongs to WLE program
  • Participate in national and international workshops, policy forum
  • Participation in the write books and publishing the scientific paper on international journals
  • Implementing time flexibility when participate in project activities

VI. Scholarship

Total costs of the fellows' activities will be paid by MK 33 project, include:
  • Monthly support cost for fellows
  • Travel and accommodation costs when participate in national and international workshops
  • The cost of buddy mentors and materials for research
  • The cost of printing books, journals of research results

VII. Framework conditions


VIII. Activities have been carried out by MK33 project
8.1. Kick-off Workshop (16th March, 2015)

MK33 has started. On 16th of March 2015, the project kick-off meeting was held at the VAWR headquarter in Hanoi. Over 40 participants from organizations involved in planning of water and land resources in Vietnam discussed MK33 project. After Assoc. Dr. Nguyen Tung Phong, VAWR Vice Director General, welcomed the participants, Mrs. Mayvong Sayatham (Coordinator of MK33 project) introduce WLE program, Dr. Ha Hai Duong (IWE), explained the project approach, outcomes & workplan, followed by Dr. Dao Trong Tu, Nguyen Tung Hoa, Nguyen Quang Trung (WRU, IMHEN&IWE) who explained the current challenges in the Red River. After the coffee break, Participants and MK33 project members discussed together about outcome, aprroach and fellow ion of MK33 project.

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Kick-off Workshop at VAWR HQ in Hanoi, Vietnam (16th March, 2015)
8.2.Related Documents and Other Resources

IX. Partner Organizations
  • Directorate of Water Resources, MARD Vietnam
  • Institute for Water Resources Planning (IWRP), MARD Vietnam
  • MK31 and MK32 projects
  • Water Resources University (WRU)
  • Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate change (IMHEN), MONRE Vietnam
  • Institute for Technology and Resources Management in the Tropics and Subtropics (ITT) at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Germany
  • Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

X. Vietnam Contact persons

For further information please contact:

MSc. Bui Thi Thu Hien (Administration Officer of MK33 Project)
Department of Water Resources and Climate Change &ndash Institute for Water and Environment (IWE)
  • Address: No.2/165, Chua Boc St., Dong Da Dist., Hanoi
  • F (+84) 978 483 048
  • T (+84) 35 632 495
  • Email:

Dr. Ha Hai Duong (Member of the Coordinating Committee of MK33 project)
Institute for Water and Environment (IWE)- Vietnam Academy for Water Resources (VAWR)
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