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Plan for establishing the Vietnam Environmental Communication Network

Plan for establishing the Vietnam Environmental Communication Network

​VEA - In the morning of November 23, in Hanoi, Vietnam Environment Administration (VEA) held a workshop on "Feedback on Regulations of organization and operation of the Vietnam Environmental Communication Network”. VEA Deputy General Director Dr. Hoang Duong Tung attended and chaired the workshop. ​Mr. Le Van Hop, Director of the Department Emulation &ndash......

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Mekong countries act for green economy

Mekong countries act for green economy

  Representatives from Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) countries gathered at a seminar in Hanoi on Dec. 1 to discuss measures to realise the goal of building a more prosperous and equitable region through development of a green economy. ​The seminar was jointly held by Vietnam &rsquos Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and Environment (ISPONRE),......

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