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Strengthening agro-climatic information systems to enhance drought monitoring and early warning
Cập nhật lúc : 1/15/2019 9:23:05 AM
Hanoi 14 January 2019. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Viet Nam and the Institute for Water and Environment (IWE) jointly held a national dissemination workshop to present primary results of a project to strengthen agro-climatic information systems to enhance drought monitoring and early warning for scaling-up at national level.
The workshop was hosted by the Viet Nam Academy for Water Resources, with participants including representatives from FAO Viet Nam, relevant Departments and agencies under Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) such as Water Resources Directorate, Vietnam Disaster Management Authority, International Cooperation Department relevant Departments and agencies under Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment such as Viet Nam Meteorological  and  Hydrological Administration, Viet Nam Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate Change, universities and research institutes, international organizations, key development partners and representatives from Binh Dinh, Binh Thuan and Ninh Thuan provinces professional associations and experts.
FAO provided one year&rsquos technical assistance to the project TCP/VIE/3603 “Strengthen the agriculture drought monitoring and early warning system” (2017-2018), with an initial pilot in Ninh Thuan province that featured IWE working collaboratively with FAO to identify drought indices applied to drought monitoring and early warning in Viet Nam. The FAO-developed Agriculture Stress Index System (ASIS) was ed to be rolled out at country-level.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Vu Viet - Director General of Vietnam Academy for Water Resources give an opening speech.

The ASIS has great potential to strengthen the existing agro-climatic information system in Viet Nam to improve the agricultural drought monitoring and early warning system.

 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Tung Phong - Director General of Vietnam Academy for Water Resources

During the workshop, a number of key issues were discussed, including the requirements for prediction and early warning for drought response activities in agriculture and rural development and the application of ASIS in Ninh Thuan province and nationwide.
“This project brings together the global FAO initiative on Agricultural Drought Monitoring Systems (ASIS) and MARD&rsquos efforts to strengthen monitoring and supervision on food security and drought management. With the success of the pilot project in Ninh Thuan province, we expect this model and best practises to be applied nationwide to strengthen the existing agro-climatic information system in Viet Nam and improve the agricultural drought monitoring and early warning system,” said Albert T. Lieberg, FAO Representative in Viet Nam.

Dr. Albert T. Lieberg, FAO Representative in Viet Nam have a remarks at the workshop

Participants at the workshop

Sources: Nguyen Thi Nguyet

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