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Strengthening agro-climatic information systems to enhance drought monitoring and early warning

Strengthening agro-climatic information systems to enhance drought monitoring and early warning

Hanoi 14 January 2019. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Viet Nam and the Institute for Water and Environment (IWE) jointly held a national dissemination workshop to present primary results of a project to strengthen agro-climatic information systems to enhance drought monitoring and early warning for scaling-up at national level.   The workshop was hosted by the Viet Nam Academy......

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Greater Mekong Forum on Water-Food and Energy

Greater Mekong Forum on Water-Food and Energy

From October 21 to 23, in Phnom Penh &ndash Cambodia is ongoing Greater Mekong Forum on the theme of water resources, food and energy development. Delegates of the forum come from 137 countries and international organizations. In this year, the forum was co-organized by the Program “Soil-Water and Ecosystems in Greater Mekong region (WLE-Greater Mekong) and the Ministry of Environment of......

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Asian Technology Institute highly appreciated Vietnam's support

Asian Technology Institute highly appreciated Vietnam's support

On November 10, 2011, in Hanoi Minister of Scicen and Technology(MOST) Nguyễn Quân had a cordial meeting with the Director of Asian TechnologyInstitutein Vietnam (AIT- Vietnam) Amrit Bart. Minister Nguyen Quan met with Mr. Amrit Bart   In the meeting, Mr. Amrit Bart highly appreciated Vietnam&rsquos enthusiastic support for AIT&rsquos activities during the past......

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