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Asian Technology Institute highly appreciated Vietnam's support
Cập nhật lúc : 12/14/2011 1:57:53 AM
On November 10, 2011, in Hanoi Minister of Scicen and Technology(MOST) Nguyễn Quân had a cordial meeting with the Director of Asian TechnologyInstitutein Vietnam (AIT- Vietnam) Amrit Bart.

Minister Nguyen Quan met with Mr. Amrit Bart
In the meeting, Mr. Amrit Bart highly appreciated Vietnam&rsquos enthusiastic support for AIT&rsquos activities during the past time and informed Minister Nguyen Quan of the successful organization of the 24thsession of AIT &ndash Vietnam Consultancy Committee in April 2011. At the same time, the two parties discussed together about AIT- Vietnam&rsquos plan for the coming time.
Minister Nguyen Quan thanked for AIT&rsquos support to Vietnam over the past time and hoped to continue receivingAIT&rsquos collaboration and support for the coming time.
AIT is an international institute which has been established since 1959 with the headquarter in Bangkok, Thailand with purposes to support increasing training demands in terms of advanced techniques and technology in Asia &ndash Pacific Region.
AIT &ndash Vietnam has been established since 1993, which is the only AIT&rsquos branch outside the headquarter in Bangkok. AIT &ndashVietnam is the international education center which has roles of transferring international technologies and supporting Vietnam&rsquos development. In addition, AIT &ndashVietnam has developed studies in fields in order to meet international educations requirements and current situations in Vietnam and in the region.

Source:  Phuong Nga, Center for Science and Technology Communication
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