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Vietnam International Water Week VACI2019- Call for abstract
Cập nhật lúc : 12/14/2018 10:51:27 AM
Vietnam International Water Week VACI2019 will be held on 22-25th March 2019 in Hanoi (, we are pleased to invite you to contribute to  the session of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in Southeast Asia which will be held in cooperation between NAWAPI and VNWP. This will provide an opportunity for professionals as environmentalist, hydrologists, geologists, engineers, scientists, geographers, graduate and post-graduate students, and for other interested individuals to meet and exchange ideas, to summarize results of studies and to discuss mutual problems, to gather and share information about IWRM implementation in Southeast Asia and to discuss challenges that still need to be resolved. 
The link for abstract submission can be found at: 
The abstract submission deadline is extended to 1 January 2019
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