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Special Issue "Water resources assessment, development and management in coupled human-natural systems" - Call for papers

Special Issue "Water resources assessment, development and management in coupled human-natural systems" of MDPI's Water is calling for papers, pls take a look if this is of interest to you?

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Vietnam International Water Week VACI2019 - Call for abstract

Vietnam International Water Week VACI2019 will be held on 22-25th March 2019 in Hanoi (, we are pleased to invite you to contribute to  the session of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in Southeast Asia which will be held in cooperation between NAWAPI and VNWP. This will provide an opportunity for professionals......

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Vietnam Sustainability Forum

Vietnam Sustainability Forum

CALL FOR PAPERS Dear Colleague, You are cordially invited to attend the Vietnam Sustainability Forum (VSF-2019), “Fostering Economic Growth and Inclusive Society for......

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Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP) 2017 – 2018

Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP) 2017 – 2018

Where: Netherlands Nationality: For NFP counties citizens (go to this link for more information on the list of countries: Click here to check whether your country is eligible to apply Degree of program: Master program PhD program Short courses Type of scholarship: Fully-Funded (The program will be giving allowance to fellowship that can be contribute towards......

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The Matsumae International Foundation Research Fellowship, Japan (Fully Funded)

The Matsumae International Foundation Research Fellowship, Japan (Fully Funded)

This is a fellowship program which is calling for a research applicants. Applicants can always choose host institution in Japan (university research laboratories, national research institutions or the corresponding facilities of private industry) Where: Japan Nationality: International students can apply for this scholarship  Duration of the program:  three to six......

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Survey on implementation of integrated water resources management (IWRM)

UN Environmentis supporting countries in monitoring and reporting on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6, including target 6.5: “By 2030, implement integrated water resources management at all levels, including through transboundary cooperation as appropriate”. And EN Environment is conducting an IWRM survey at its member countries. You are invited to contribute for degree of IWRM......

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University of Melbourne Master Degree and PhD Scholarship in Australia (Fully Funded)

University of Melbourne Master Degree and PhD Scholarship in Australia (Fully Funded)

Are you planning in pursuing Master or Doctoral degree soon? This is a very good piece of information you should look into. Where: University of Melbourne, Australia Nationality: International students can apply Award of the scholarship: Annual living allowance Tuition fee Eligible: BE an international student Meet all the requirements for the......

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Apply Now for the Share Scholarship Exchange Program for ASEAN Students 2017

Apply Now for the Share Scholarship Exchange Program for ASEAN Students 2017

ave you applied for a SHARE Scholarship? There is only 2 weeks left for you to apply! Apply now at &mdash&mdash&mdash&mdash&mdash&mdash&mdash&mdash&mdash&mdash&mdash&mdash&mdash&mdash&ndash Make sure you&rsquove followed these steps: 1. Receive an Endorsement Letter from your home university international office. Consult directly with your home......

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Master and PhD scholarship program in Science, Japan

Master and PhD scholarship program in Science, Japan

Japan is a countries which is famous for its science, new technologies and also its education relate to this. For your information, this is a very great opportunity for science students to pursue their degree there. Do not miss this chance. Where: The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Nationality: International students, including Cambodia Type of scholarship: Master Degree......

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Master degree and Doctoral Research Scholarship in South Australia (Fully Funded)

Master degree and Doctoral Research Scholarship in South Australia (Fully Funded)

Are you ready for pursuing further degree in Australia? ASI is a program which provide fully-funded scholarship to potential applicants. Where: University of Adelaide, South Australia Nationality: Internationally Period of study: Master degree: Two years Doctoral Research degree: Three years Type of scholarship: Fully funded Eligible: Have a very......

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