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Scholarship for ASEAN students to study in Australia 2017 is now open!!
Cập nhật lúc : 4/11/2017 9:35:14 AM

The Australian-Asean Leadership Program offers a 4-month period for ASEAN Students to participate and study in Australia to focus on entrepenurship and take part in innovative learning development.

The program is designed for individuals who have up to 2/3 years of experience working in organisations that generate social impact. The program is looking for applicants with proposals to expand a social enterprise or a new social venture. Participation in this program is fully funded, including travel and accommodation in Australia.

Want to apply? Look below requirement:

  • Good at English
  • you must be 25-35
  • at least two years&rsquo experience working in a social venture or related organisation
  • able to travel to Australia for eight days to participate in the program, with additional time for pre-departure preparation and post-program engagement
  • awareness and be able to overcome the program within the area you ed to participate or implement.
  • access to required technology to film and submit short videos during the application, pre-departure preparation and program delivery processes
  • a social venture idea which is scale-able
  • participate the program share and bring back knowledge to develop your community
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