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Apply Now for the Share Scholarship Exchange Program for ASEAN Students 2017
Cập nhật lúc : 5/22/2017 11:23:47 AM

ave you applied for a SHARE Scholarship?

There is only 2 weeks left for you to apply!

Apply now at


Make sure you&rsquove followed these steps:

1. Receive an Endorsement Letter from your home university international office. Consult directly with your home university international office.

2. Apply to one of SHARE&rsquos partner universities for a one semester exchange. If ed by the university, you will receive a Letter of Acceptance, also known as LoA.

3. Register for an account at the SHARE Platform Remember, registering does not mean you have applied for a SHARE Scholarship.

4. Apply for a SHARE Scholarship, with your account. Don&rsquot forget to submit all the required documents!

Make sure you apply for English-taught courses at the host university.

For questions regarding university application form and courses, please ask for assistance from your home university international office.

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